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Teach, Train, Equip & Outreach

Frontline Ministries International is a non-profit organization that has been incorporated under Mike Johnson Ministries, founded in 1980 by Michael R. Johnson.  For over 40 years, we have been leading mission trips, training leaders, and pastors, team projects, evangelism, and pastoring, along with reaching the poor, in over 40 nations.


Thousands of precious men and women of God, including pastors and Christian leaders, have attended our “Frontline Shepherd Conferences”.  Since 1997 I have been able to work with both Dr. David Shibley’s ministry, Global Advance, and Curtis Baker’s ministry; Visionaries International; in nearly 40 nations.  Our teams of seasoned ministers are primarily going to rural areas of poorer nations where many of the pastors and leaders have no formal Bible school education.

Dog Shelter


The equipping of believers is being carried out by leadership conferences, literature and ongoing relationships.  In the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gave the mandate to make disciples of the nations.  My recent book, The Path of the Righteous, will be a powerful tool in Bible Schools and churches to help accomplish this command.



In addition to leadership conferences, we have been involved with evangelism through crusades, door-to-door witnessing, and children’s ministry overseas.  We also have helped with water wells, church construction and ministering in prisons, police training centers and orphanages.  We plan to continue these endeavors in the years ahead. 

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